To see more detail, click on a picture in the slideshow and it will zoom in.
Start with a well balanced photograph.
Make the sketch the same size as the photograph.
Starting with areas that are darker will help to give the flower a natural outline.
When working on the flower use dots, the dots are called stippling.
Continue with the stippling for the leaves and darkening the background with lines that flow with the wood.
Always start lighter with pictures so you can add more detail later.
Continue to compare the photograph’s colors and shapes with the tones they would be if the picture was black and white.
If the picture did not have outlines printed, I would have erased the pencil. Try to outline with detail not by using lines to draw around an area. This will look more natural.
Sometimes there is a desire to leave a picture lighter than the photograph. 2 reasons. 1st Insecure, because you don’t want to ruin the progress that was made. 2nd You may not be used to pen & ink and are not sure how dark would be too dark.
Fill in the stump. Be gentle with the pressure on the marker or pen that you are using. This can help in producing thinner lines.
In the lighter areas of the stump gently fill in the details.
Almost there. Remember the brightest spots in black and white picture are best left white.
Now the picture is well balanced and reflects the light & shades of the photograph in black and white tones.